DYC Instructors • Dallas Yoga Center

Morgan P.

Morgan is a board-certified physician assistant (PA) from Baton Rouge, Louisiana. She graduated PA school in 2020 and took her first job in Dallas, TX. She has always had a love for health and wellness, but during her early twenties, she began to face some of her own health challenges. She went doctor to doctor in search of answers but instead was handed prescriptions that only seemed to make things worse. Frustrated by feeling disconnected from her body, she began to seek out the answers herself with countless hours of research, learning as much as she could about her body. She knew it was important to get to the root cause of the problem rather than just continuing to treat the symptoms. Through her research in holistic and functional medicine, she realized the importance of addressing not only the physical, but also the mental, emotional and spiritual sides of healing. Yoga has helped her on her personal health journey to not only reconnect with her body, but to also deepen her love and gratitude for life. She is currently undergoing the 200 hour yoga teacher training certification so she can help others on their healing journeys to do the same.

Mind . Body . Spirit

Dallas Yoga Center offers holistic, embodied, mindful, and nourishing yoga, mindfulness, and wellness classes for all levels. Whether you want to stretch, relax, or learn more about yoga, DYC has something for you.