Benefit from the guidance of senior DYC yoga teachers as you navigate the challenges and opportunities that come along with teaching. Mentors provide one-on-one support to help you reach your individual teaching goals.
Plus 10% discounts for seniors, military, teachers and students
4 in-person yoga classes a month
Access to all regular classes
Unlimited classes for you + all your friends
I understand the risk of injury from yoga activities and using any yoga equipment may be significant, including the potential for injury or death. I knowingly and freely assume all such risks, both unknown and known. I acknowledge that I may engage in both privately supervised, group supervised or unsupervised activity and I assume all risks of using equipment, movement or exercise routines or props with or without staff present. In addition I acknowledge that the business may include outdoor activities, which may present risks such as slippery surfaces, uneven surfaces, loose rocks/gravel, unseen landscaping issues or more.
I hereby release, indemnify and hold harmless Flow Yoga, and the owners of this business or any other business that may be associated with this company, with respect to any and all injury, disability, death, loss or damage to person or property that may arise out of connection with this business or any use of it’s products, services or classes.
I expressly agree that this release is intended to be as broad and inclusive as permitted by applicable law and if a portion of this release is held invalid the balance shall remain in full force and effect. This release shall apply to my heirs, assigns, personal representatives and any other next of kin. I understand that this business is relying on this release in agreeing to enter into this agreement.
By creating an account, I agree to the studios Privacy Policy.
I have read the release of liability and Privacy Policy and assumptions of risk agreement and fully understand its terms and that I have given up substantial rights by signing It and I sign it freely and voluntarily without inducement.
Additional Terms and Conditions: I hereby confirm that I am aware and agree to all additional terms and conditions included in this document.
You'll receive an email with directions to set your password.
A whole month of unlimited classes at all locations.